Tech Trends: Intel Unite and Wireless Collaboration Tools

Tech Trends: Intel Unite and Wireless Collaboration Tools

Here is a technology that i heard about a couple of months ago but really knew nothing about until this past week. Down in Las Vegas on the floor of InfoComm there are vendors everywhere. I happened upon intel’s booth and was immediately drawn in by the quick demo of Intel Unite.

Collaboration and wireless technology is something that I have long been interested in. Getting any and all content from point A to point B and sharing that full content wirelessly i believe is a game changer. I have long been in search of the “one dongle that can mirror any device”.

I think that search may go on for quite a while until Amazon, Google and especially Apple decide they want to open their proprietary formats (airplay). We have been using Epson’s free collaboration software Epson EasyMP with great results in the classroom for mirroring any MacOS or Windows device to a projector. In addition we have been using Apple TV’s with mixed results (it is a consumer device after all).

Always on the lookout for new options I am now looking at products from Mersive Solstice, WePresent, airSquirrels new product Ditto and more. However, I stumbled across Intel Unite and am very excited to give this a try.

Couple of things to know. It is free, which is great. From what I saw it works with both Mac and Windows. On the windows side you have to be running a newer computer powered by Intel’s vPro chipset.

We have recently been using the new Intel NUC’s around campus and now I am looking to purchase one with the 6th generation core i5 processor and the vPro chipset to really try this software out in our enterprise environment.

On another note I have always wanted to create an Infographic so…. here is my first shot at one geared specifically at wireless collaboration and Intel Unite.

Intel Unite Infographic


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